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Timberly Price is a college graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business. She’s loved writing and creating stories ever since she was able to pick up a pencil. She’d create small, illustrated stories when she didn’t know how to write, and once she was able to complete full sentences, the storytelling grew.


Timberly thought that becoming a writer was impossible, so she put writing aside, and focused on school. While taking a creative writing course in college, it fueled her passion for writing once again. Also, the feedback from her peers, and a kind note left by her teacher to pursue writing, kicked her into overdrive.


It’s taken her six years to get a story out into the world, but her debut novel, Red Romance, is her first pride and joy. Her other joys in life are art and collecting figures of her favorite fandoms. She also loves playing videogames and going down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos.


Timberly lives in Florida with her mother, aunt, grandmother, and her precious Pomeranian.

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